Monday, December 21, 2009

I was going to post a baby picture, but my computer is not cooperating - none the less, Gary & wish our boy - Garett Hamilton Kunce - a very Happy 30th Birthday. He's a great kid who has made his family extraordinarily proud - We love you very much!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I really stink at this! It'sbeen almost two months since I posted anything. In my defense, it's been one intense year. But I'm on vacation now, and have a free minute or two. So - a quick run down of The Kunce Family - Tahoe Chapter.

Gary had to have surgery in October - nothing massive, and he's 100% now. But it was his first time - EVER! - having to be in the hospital, so he was a little nervous. Too cute, actually.

We were down in So Cal for Thanksgiving again this year. It's always great to be with the family. Last year, my oldest brother Drew was working in Venice Beach, so he came to the house for dinner. Was just to cool to have him there. He & Gary got to be great bud's when we got married, so they had a very nice time picking on me - and I enoyed every that's why I added the picture - the gentleman on the left is Gary's brother, Lane - and the other one hugging my mother in law is my brother .
After the family, we headed to our friends place in Palm Springs for golf and some warm weather before heading back home. Where it was 36 degrees when we got home, after laying by the pool the day before - dang!!!
Now, Gary is back to work - I go back on Wednesday - and I've got the Donna Reed bug. You know - cooking, which I truly enjoy, and cleaning - which I don't. But even though our house is clean, there's always the DEEP cleaning projects to get to. Cupboards, weeding out unworn clothes - the kind of thing that can only get done when you're home alone.
So. With that in mind, I am doning my rubber golves & turning on the Oldies Station - look out dust bunnies!!!!